Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Potty all depends on the definition

So, we are back on the potty training campaign. The current score is 2 attempts to train, 0 successes. Many of the Bosnians look at my youngest's Pampers clad bottom with eyebrows raised. 'Still in nappies?' they say. 'How old is he?'. Usually followed by something along the lines of how their children were trained by 6 weeks and then went on to invent a cure for cancer before they were 3.

But, I have realised it is all in the definition. If you call potty trained wearing pants then ta da - one toddler in pants and one very busy washing machine. If you call potty trained having a toddler that knows when he needs to go, tells you (or even better goes there himself) pulls down his trousers and pants, does the business and washes his hands afterwards and doesn't have an accident not ever then we have a whole different game on our hands.

Although it appears that the Bosnians are all potty trained by 18 months, I've actually realised that most of them are just like me. There is a fairly prolonged period of pants/nappies combo. Unlike me they don't take their kids out much during this period. I don't have a choice as I don't have a local Granny or massive network of willing babysitters to look after the kids. So mine come with me wherever we go. And in the interests of not being a health hazard Luke is sometimes in pants and sometimes in nappies.

I think Luke will reach my version of potty trained (the one that doesn't require the washing machine to do 6 loads a day) at the same time as the Bosnian kids. Now I've finally realised that, I can smile serenely, let the little digs pass over my head and can genuinely say that I'm so very proud of my little boy's progress so far. Yesterday, he managed a standing up wee, next to his brother. 2 little white bottoms peeing down the hill. It is the new state of Nirvana.


Maternal Tales said...

Oh I'm so with you. My poor little Edie (who's almost 2 and a half) is so far from being potty trained it's ridiculous. And I thought girls were quicker and easier than boys? There's so much pressure from other people/gradparents, etc. A friend came over with her two the other day and her 18-month-old who just so happens to be TINY was using the potty and wearing pants. Edie, on the other hand, is massive so looks older than she, so it's even more embarrassing. I thought I'd try again yesterday but she just doesn't seem to get it. I put pants on her and she said 'Mummy poo poo' and then stood there and did a wee. She can't even feel the difference between the two! Anyway, I know it will happen sooner rather than later, but I forgot quite how horrible this period is... Good luck with yours x

Teacher Mommy said...

It took FOREVER to train DramaBoy (now 3+) and I'm trying very hard to forget that The Widget is now 2 and I really should be getting on that potty train. Choo choo and all that.

I was momentarily confused by your reference to "pants" and then remembered (from my many-long-years-ago sojourn in Merry Old England) that you Brits use that word for what we Yankees call "underwear." Which brings to mind that back in the day when we were fumbling through learning those vocabulary differences, a friend of my mother's told her about an American company that sold men's trousers and tried to set up shop in England. They were very confused by the reaction people were having to their store until someone pointed out a wee problem with their name: Just Pants.

It's amazing how we can supposedly speak the same language and yet not understand each other at all sometimes.

Dorset Dispatches said...

MT - your Edie sounds exactly the same age as my Luke. I'm going to take the it'll happen attitude and quit worrying. It won't go on their CVs.

TM - they do say we are nations divided by a common language. There are so many traps to fall into. But a Just Pants shop. That is genius. Especially for those of us who watched the British version of the Apprentice last night.

Potty Mummy said...

Say it loud and proud: Boy #2 was 3 years 3 months before we reached the true definition of potty trained - and we still have the odd accident. You are not alone...

Iota said...

I hated potty training with a rare vengeance, and wasn't very good at it (if the time taken was anything to go by). The only possible advice I can give is, the more relaxed you can stay, the better. Advice I failed miserably to follow myself, I hasten to add.

Dorset Dispatches said...

PM - we are loud and proud. Usually inthe bottom area.

Iota - training Adam was the worst 2 weeks of my life. I've decided not to care too much this time and it is a much more serene experience. So far. We are someway off being finished, so situation may well change shortly.

Anonymous said...

I too have made two attempts with child number three, with no success as yet. After the last attempt which lasted a week and involved many pairs of trousers and pants, I asked him whether he would like to start wearing nappies again. He said "that would be nice". Child one took 2 days and child 2 nine months. Hoping child 3 will be more like his sister than his brother, but not holding out hope. Good luck with yours!