Saturday 21 June 2008

But with these chocolates you are spoiling us...

Contrary to popular opinion, we are not totally unprepared for the move to Bosnia. We did go to Bosnia last year to scope out which of our ideas might be possible and which were clearly ridiculous. One of the things we did whilst we were there was to go for a coffee with some of the staff at the British Embassy in Sarajevo. They clearly registered our intent to move, no doubt concerned at the prospect of a few more clueless Brits landing in their jurisdicition, and have kept in contact with us through the occasional email informing us of upcoming events in Sarajevo. Even so, we were somewhat surprised when a beautiful embossed invitation inviting us to a reception at the Embassy landed on our (English)doorstep this week.

D was thrilled. He does appreciate the pomp and ceremony of the British Establishment doing its thing well. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't have wanted to go if we were already installed in Bosnia. However, as I gaze around the chaos of a half packed house, already well over the limit for what we can physically fit in the car for the drive out, my primary thought was along the lines of 'oh bloody hell, have I got to pack black-tie outfits as well?'

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